Heavy legs and respiratory challenges

Professional K1 fighter Antonio Gómez.

Conducted test series with Antonio Gómez, a professional K1 fighter from Spain. The initial phase involved administering a beep test until complete exhaustion without the use of discs, followed by a second test incorporating discs to assess their impact on the performance.

We designed individualized protocols tailored to the athlete’s specific requirements following the feedback received from the initial test.

Athlete case:

After the initial beep test, we inquired with Antonio about the factors that led to him stopping the test. He responded that ultimately, it was due to leg fatigue and respiratory challenges. Subsequently, our protocol aimed to enhance both energy and strength in his legs, while also optimizing his lung function and cardiovascular system.


On the initial test, Antonio reached level 14. The following beep test was conducted 30 minutes later; and he was able to reach level 16.4 – a massive improvement.

“I felt like my legs are lighter, and even if I was tired, I felt like a second breath and I could do it longer – Antonio Gómez.

Protocol used: