Ankle Instability and Low Calf Activation

in Professional Basketball Player

Conducted in collaboration with the strength and conditioning coach of the European Basketball Champions League team, Club Hapoel Jerusalem.

We designed individualized protocols tailored to the athlete’s specific requirements.

Athlete case:

The athlete has had a couple of surgeries on ligaments and bones around the ankle resulting in ankle instability and neurological dysfunction.

The club aimed to assess: calf stiffness, tibialis posterior stiffness, ankle stability, and improved ROM.


“We had great results in two practices movement-wise and pain-wise.

Very noticeable was his increased efficiency in shot selection. I am guessing that is due to decreased neurological stress on that ankle. The brain has more capacity to make decisions faster and better.” – the team´s Strength and Conditioning coach

During the following Champions League game against Benfica Lisbon, the player won the MVP.

Protocol used: